Previously we have covered how to create a lining pattern and sew a skirt with a slit. This week it's the final blog on how to hem a skirt or dress with a slit. Apologies for the furry towel background this week, we are away on holidays and I had to improvise and use a towel:)
There are two options that I'll run through here for hemming. The easier option which involves simply turning it up and the slightly more involved version which is using a mitred corner.
With either option start by pressing up the hem either side of the slit, making sure they are the same length and one doesn't hang down further on the other side. Mark the fold line with a marking pen once pressed.

Option 1, the easier solution
1. Start by overlocking down the raw edge of the slit opening (not shown here). Then fold the slit opening back on itself, right sides together, as shown below. Pin exactly on the fold line. This is where you are going to stitch.

Option 2, with a mitred corner.
1. Fold the hem up half the amount (so if your hem is 2cm, fold it up 1cm) and then fold in the same amount from the raw edge of the slit.

2. Fold both the hem and the slit in again the same amount, 1cm in this case. Then press and pin.

And there you have a hemmed slit.